18 new manufacturers at Open Datacheck HVAC in the second half of 2024

News / Open Datacheck  - 
Open Datacheck HVAC welcomed a total of 18 new manufacturers in the second half of 2024.

With the support of the Open Datacheck HVAC Service Team, data has already been edited for Salus Controls GmbH, Hermann Otto GmbH, MKW Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Fiedler Kunststofftechnik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, NDW Neue Duschenwelt AG and HAUPA GmbH Daten and made available to wholesalers. All product master data and, in most cases, marketing and sales documents were made available to wholesalers for optimised marketing.

In addition, the wholesaler Lindenblatt + Gottzmann oHG was welcomed.

The provision of marketing and sales documents from manufacturers for wholesalers continues to increase.


These are available to wholesalers on Open Datacheck HVAC and in libraries, e.g. in online shops. 

We would like to welcome you all to Open Datacheck. If you have any questions about the platform, the Open Datacheck HVAC service team will be happy to help you by telephone on +49 5251 / 1614 - 14 or by e-mail at service(at)open-datacheck.de.