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As an electronic standard for the transmission of invoice data as PDF and in an XML structure, ZUGFeRD is used in the SHK sector for communication between wholesalers and the trade. In 2018, experts from the industry associations BVBS, DG Haustechnik and ZVSHK developed a uniform implementation recommendation under the direction of ITEK.
This is aimed at suppliers (wholesalers/manufacturers) who want to send ZUGFeRD invoices to tradesmen and at manufacturers of tradesmen's software who want to read and process these ZUGFeRD files. With this implementation recommendation as a basis, ZUGFeRD invoices can be optimally received, read in and used.
In Version 1.1, available since May 2019, for example, notes on the transfer of reference data to the original invoice in the case of credit notes and to the delivery notes in the case of distance deliveries, as well as the Commission's indication have been added. In addition, concretisations were made with regard to surcharges and discounts and material surcharges.
For the transmission of ZUGFeRD invoices, a web service was defined that enables the retrieval and confirmation of the receipt of invoices. The web service was designed openly so that in future other document types and formats can also be transmitted.