Data Quality Guidelines of the HVAC Industry
IDS Connect
Open Masterdata
Open Document Exchange (ODX)
Building Information Modeling
Supplier management
Customer management
Supply Chain Act
Document Management for Manufacturers & Wholesalers
Document Management for Wholesalers & Crafts
ETIM Data entry assistance
DATANORM generation
DACH Data distribution HVAC
Benelux data distribution
FAB-DIS Data distribution
ANGAISA Datenverteilung
Planners and architects
Open Datacheck HVAC for Manufacturers
Open Datacheck HVAC for wholesalers
Open Datacheck HVAC Scorecard
Open Datacheck HVAC Availability
Open Datacheck HVAC E-Learning
Open Datacheck HVAC Supplier Transparency
Open Datapool
Open Datacheck Electro for Manufacturers
Open Datacheck Electro for wholesalers
Open Datacheck Electro Scorecard
No matter what questions or problems you have regarding product master data, we will be happy to help you! We look forward to hearing from you!