As a manufacturer, you can provide your product master data in various formats. The common formats Excel, ETIM BMEcat 4.0.3 and ETIM BMEcat 5.0 Electrical Industry are supported. With Open Datacheck Electro, you can ensure the quality of your product master data and then distribute all content to your customers in a centralized manner
As a wholesaler, you can use Open Datacheck Electro to obtain product master data, multimedia content such as images and construction documents as well as all the marketing and sales documents you need for your digital processes from your suppliers. You can integrate all content manually or fully automatically into your existing systems and processes.
The scorecard is an evaluation tool for the data quality and completeness of the data provided by manufacturers. The evaluation system works according to a fixed set of rules, whereby points are awarded or deducted. The final score is between 0 and 100 points.