SHK Connect / Open Connect

SHK-Connect / OpenConnect is the central directory service for the automatic handling of bilateral processes between different sales levels. The SHK-Connect standard was developed for members of DG Haustechnik and ARGE Neue Medien. With OpenConnect, a solution accessible to all is available.

Based on the principle of a business directory, the directory service lists the process providers and forms the basis for the optimal handling of communication across sales levels. Currently, communication is controlled for the following processes:


Processes in SHK Connect and Open Connect


IDS-Connect provides an interface that enables the software systems of the trade to access the shop systems of the wholesale trade. The craftsman can use the interface to exchange shopping baskets created by him with the wholesale shop. In addition, the article deep link function allows him to directly view current prices and the availability of articles. In addition, technical product information can be called up for the calculation of energy labels for composite systems.



> 1.000.000 Hits

Open Connect has more than 1,000,000 hits and requests per month

> 200 companies

More than 200 companies from trade and industry use Open Connect

> 80 software houses

More than 80 software houses support Open Connect

Automation DATANORM master data supply

The craftsman receives a message via his craftsman software when his wholesalers have provided new Datanorm data and can use this data. This ensures that the craftsman always plans and bills with up-to-date master data. Errors in ordering and invoicing are avoided. 

The subscriber numbers of the directory service speak for themselves:

  • Approx. 80 software houses of the trade ensure that the craftsmen on site can directly access the participating wholesalers with their software to obtain Datanorm data or to communicate with the wholesale shop via the IDS interface.

  • About 100 wholesale members (including subsidiaries) of DG Haustechnik are listed in the directory service and can use it to control the distribution of their Datanorm data and provide their shop addresses.

  • Around 100 other wholesalers (e.g. from the electrical and construction industries) use the OpenConnect directory service for the same purpose.

  • About 120 industrial companies in the HVAC sector are listed as members of ARGE Neue Medien. They control the distribution of their product data (e.g. Datanorm, Excel, BMEcat, CSV, etc.) and image data (photos, line drawings and exploded views).


ELBRIDGE  is a standard for the electrical industry developed by ETIM Germany to connect the shops of the wholesaler to the product configurators of the industry. The interface standardizes the product selection process technically. The ITEK GmbH is the official project office for the development and distribution of the standard.


The HVAC sector today uses electronic communication in many areas to handle its business processes. Rules and procedures are defined by industry-wide standards. In addition to these standards, individual coordination is required to install communication with a new partner: access codes, addresses, etc. must be exchanged manually.

The interface descriptions for SHK-Connect/OpenConnect to trade and craft and for IDS Connect can be downloaded here:


How can you participate in Open Connect as a manufacturer or dealer?

Participation is free of charge for suppliers of trade software and members of DG Haustechnik, who act as data suppliers. For other data suppliers, there is a set-up fee of 600 € and an annual fee of 790 €.


Learn more about SHK- / Open Connect or contact us directly!
