Among other things, the technical article discusses the connection of IDS Connect with the web service and Standard Open Masterdata. There are two options available to the trade for obtaining current product data. Firstly via the IDS Connect 2.5 interface and secondly via the web service and Standard Open Masterdata. Together, these two methods completely replace the DATANORM data exchange standard. The DATANORM data format was developed more than 30 years ago and is now reaching its limits, as it can no longer fulfil the requirements of current digital processes.
The IDS Connect 2.5 interface includes the sending and receiving of shopping baskets, item searches and the sending of information to platforms for calculating energy efficiency labels. Thanks to the connection with Open Masterdata, the web service-based communication technology, not only can product master data be transmitted, but images and marketing and sales documents can also be received.
This optimises processes and the supply of information in the trades, for example in the areas of quotations and accounting. The full data depth of the SHK industry's data quality guideline can be transferred.
You can find the full article on pages 15-17 in the RAS 05/2024 edition: eRAS Mai 2024
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