Carry out ETIM Check Up
You would like to carry out an ETIM Check-up for your company. Just contact us and we will coordinate the next steps with you.
Among other things, an ETIM classification usually increases your sales in the wholesale online store. With the cost-effective Check Up, we analyze your product data and give you concrete advice for a possible implementation of an ETIM classification. This gives you decision-making certainty for the ETIM classification of your product range.
Increase of the Data Quality Score
Having an ETIM classification increases your score on Open Datacheck and other platforms.
Increased Turnover
ETIM classified data usually increases the sales of your products in the wholesale store systems.
Assortment-dependent Recommendations
Depending on your assortment, you will receive specific recommendations.
Competent Contacts Persons
Experts support you in decision-making and further implementation.
Directly from the staff office
ITEK is ETIM staff office. You will receive all info and recommendations up to date.
Implementation Support
If you would like to implement the ETIM classification after the check up, we offer guidance until completion.
Learn more about our software solutions or contact us directly!
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Solche sogenannten Metainformationen werden mit der Lieferung übermittelt, entweder beim manuellen Upload im Dialog oder bei Massenlieferungen über verarbeitbare Zusatztabellen. Der große Vorteil liegt in der dadurch entstehenden Prozessoptimierung. Zusammen mit der BauDocs Technologie entsteht ein PDF-Pool in Open Datacheck mit klar spezifizierten und qualitätsgeprüften Inhalten.